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Capillary Treatment

A smooth and spotless skin is one of the indispensable conditions of beauty. However, thin capillaries that occur for various reasons can disturb the person aesthetically. Capillaries that cause redness and blemishes on the face can negatively affect the person psychologically and socially. It is possible to get rid of this appearance with capillary treatment on the face.

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Why Do Capillaries Become Visible on the Face?

Our capillaries help nourish our skin and all our cells. These veins, which are usually located under the skin and are not visible to the eye, can become visible on the skin surface for various reasons. Capillaries, which are often seen on the feet and legs, can also be seen on the face.

The main reasons why capillaries become visible are:

  • Sensitive and thin skin,

  • Aging,

  • Excess weight,

  • Blood pressure diseases,

  • Various skin diseases (acne rosacea, etc.)

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight,

  • Genetic factors,

  • Long-term use of cortisone cream,

  • Hormones and use of pills that affect hormones (birth control pills, etc.),

  • Hematological problems,

  • Exposure to radiation,

  • Some surgeries (nose surgery, etc.) can be effective in the formation of capillaries on the face.

Does Capillary Rupture Go Away On Its Own?

Some capillaries may heal on their own over time. However, some do not heal on their own and may require professional treatment.

What is Good for Capillary Rupture on the Face?

For mild or spontaneous capillary problems, masks, creams, and natural mixtures used at home can be useful. However, other than that, for capillary problems that do not spontaneously resolve, different treatment methods are applied. The most successful results from capillary treatment methods can be obtained with laser and light therapy.

In laser treatment that leaves no scars on the face and provides effective results;

  • The person's problem area on the face is determined.

  • Laser beams are sent to this area.

  • The rays target oxyhemoglobin found in the blood.

  • Capillaries damaged by heat disappear over time.

Since the amount of oxyhemoglobin is higher in thick veins, capillary treatment can provide faster results than thin veins. It can also be applied to people with rosacea or facial redness and successful results can be obtained.

This procedure, which should be performed by a specialist, can solve the capillary problem without leaving any scars on the face.

How many sessions does capillary treatment require?

The duration of treatment and the number of sessions may vary depending on the person, the structure of the vein and the area where it is located. Facial capillary treatment takes an average of 3-4 sessions. In sessions repeated approximately one month apart, results begin to be observed as of the 3rd session. This period may be longer in the treatment of capillary vessels above the nose.

Capillary problem is a recurring disease. Therefore, control and treatment may be required at certain intervals. Successful and more permanent results can be achieved with the treatment plan that the specialist will prepare after making the necessary analyses.

Who is Not Applied to Facial Capillary Vein Treatment?

Laser capillary treatment is a reliable method;

  • People with bleeding disorders,

  • For patients with epilepsy,

  • For pregnant women,

  • It is not applied to people with a pacemaker.

However, it is important for the health of people with chronic diseases to have the treatment applied with the advice of their doctor.

What are the Side Effects of Facial Capillary Vein Treatment?

Effects such as redness, swelling and crusting may be observed in the treated area. However, these symptoms disappear within a few days.

How does capillary rupture occur?
Capillaries are commonly found in the skin. Physiologically, they expand and can be visible in hot weather. They become invisible in cold weather. Usually, due to long-term exposure to sunlight and genetics, the capillary wall can deteriorate and the capillary wall muscle structure deteriorates. This situation, just like varicose veins, causes the capillaries to fill with blood and become visible on the skin surface. This appearance is called capillary rupture and causes a bad appearance on the skin like a red spider web. It is most commonly seen on the cheeks and nose wings on the face and on the legs on the body.

How is capillary rupture treated?

In our clinic, Cynosure Elite MPX laser device is used for capillary treatment. The simultaneous application of two wavelengths with Alex + Nd yag laser increases the effectiveness of the treatment. The laser device's 3 mm head, specially designed for capillary vessels, can be used to treat capillary cracks in the face area, and with the 5 mm head, capillary cracks in the leg area.

How does laser affect capillary rupture?

With the laser beam, the capillaries in the skin are closed with a sudden thermal effect. In large capillaries, the integrity of the vessels is disrupted and blood flow is prevented. The body cleans the damaged vessel structures and removes them from the body.

How many sessions are applied?

2-4 sessions at 2-3 week intervals are sufficient.

What is the recovery process like?

There is a slight swelling and redness in the application area in the early period. It usually heals without any reaction. Sometimes there may be small crusts that last for a few days.

When will capillary cracks disappear after laser application?

After laser application, thin capillary cracks may disappear immediately. In thicker capillary cracks, the color of that area darkens and the color lightens and disappears within a few weeks.

Is laser effective in treating other vascular lesions?

Capillary malformations such as port wine stains and vascular anomalies such as superficial hemangiomas can be treated with laser.

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