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Filling Applications

One of the most commonly used methods in the field of medical aesthetics is the application of hyaluronic acid-based fillers. One of the most popular tools in the anti-aging industry, filler injections have many areas of use, from eliminating fine lines and wrinkles on the face to plumping lips, from highlighting cheekbones to creating a lift effect on the face.

What is a filler application?

Hyaluronic acid-based filler injection is a cosmetic procedure used to fill in fine lines and deep wrinkles that occur with sun damage and age, and to reshape the face. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers, which last 8-12 months, are an effective anti-aging treatment that you can see the results of immediately. An anesthetic cream is applied to the area to be treated before the procedure, which takes only 10-15 minutes. There is no recovery period, and you can return to your social life immediately afterwards.

So, what is the feature of the hyaluronic acid used in this process?
Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used filler. The most important feature of this substance is that it is naturally found in the body, so there is no risk of an allergic reaction in the person to whom it is applied. If the result is not satisfactory, it can be dissolved instantly with a substance called hyaluronic acid.

Where is Filling Used?

Nasolabial lines (lines extending from the nose to the lip edges)
Lines running down from the corners of the lips
Fine lines above the lips
Deep acne and scars
Lip plumping
Filling the hollowness under the eyes
Creating a clearer jawline
Cheekbone and cheek highlighting
To restore the volume lost with age and create a lift effect on the face.

Lip filler: Over time, lips begin to thin out and lose their shape and fullness. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be used to restore lips to their former fullness, define lip contours, and correct asymmetry in the lips.

Grooves around the nose and mouth: Lines and grooves that start from both sides of the nose and extend down to the corners of the lips are caused by the displacement of fatty tissue. Hyaluronic acid-based filler injections are used to soften these lines that give the face a tired and aged look.

Cheeks, temples and lower jaw: With age, the fat tissue in these areas begins to decrease, and a volume loss occurs in the face, which manifests itself with symptoms such as sagging and thinning of the skin. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are successful in defining the lower jaw, re-volumizing the cheeks and temples, and giving the face a youthful expression.

Under-eye bags: Under-eye bags start at the level of the lower eyelid and expand towards the cheeks. An effective way to camouflage the puffiness caused by bags is to inject hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the upper cheeks. This touch creates a smooth surface from the cheeks to the under-eyes, giving the face a rested, fresh appearance.

A more balanced chin: As we age, the chin also shrinks, almost receding. In some people, the chin is structurally small and recessed. In both cases, the jawline can be made stronger and more pronounced with fillers. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are successful in softening the hard-looking jawline and creating a more proportionate chin.

More lifted eyebrows: Drooping eyelids or drooping eyebrows make you look older and more tired than you are. With hyaluronic acid-based fillers, it is possible to lift the eyebrows upwards and give the gaze a more dynamic, youthful expression. Filling injections into the eyebrow area can erase the traces of years from your face in just minutes.

Questions and answers that come to your mind about filling applications…

How long does the filler application take?
The application may take between 15-30 minutes. You can return to your normal life immediately after the application. There may be slight swelling and redness in the area where the application is made. They will completely disappear in a day or two.

Are there any side effects after the application?
The most important feature of hyaluronic acid-based fillers is that they do not cause an allergic reaction. This is because this substance is already naturally present in the body.

How long do the results last?
The effect of temporary fillers varies between 8 and 18 months. This period varies depending on the content of the selected filler, its density and where it is injected.

Can fillers and Botox be applied together?
Yes, combining filler injections with Botox, especially in deep lines between the eyebrows, increases the permanence of the filler and provides successful results.

What is the price of a filling application?

The price varies depending on the area to be applied and the dose to be injected.

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